If you live in a community that relies a lot on physical forms, you will understand the pain you’ll need to go through just to book a facility inside your condominium. Physical booking forms simply do not work for the masses, and for a few reasons at that.
If the opening hours of management offices are the usual 9am to 5pm, it would be impossible for residents who are on a 9am to 5pm working hour to even try booking a facility for their own use. This often leaves commonly used facilities underutilized on weekdays, and overly packed on the weekends.
In addition to that, things get even more complicated when the management attempts to implement payment/deposit rules, or even booking conditions. While such rules are often needed to manage facility bookings, this opens up a lot of risk and abuse possibilities (imagine management staff only allowing residents that they personally like to book facilities!)
With JaGaApp, management and usage of community facilities becomes brilliantly easy for building managers and residents!