Welcome to Hassle-Free HeyJaGa Home Services Concierge
Book services easily and quickly through our platform. Schedule a time that suits you and track the progress of your booking seamlessly.
Book services easily and quickly through our platform. Schedule a time that suits you and track the progress of your booking seamlessly.
Drop your message here, email, or even call us. Anyway you like it.
Working Hours: Weekdays, 9am – 6pm
Email: partnerships@jagaapp.com
Phone: +603 7931 9911
JaGaSolution’s product line is designed to be seamlessly integrated with each other, giving you the most cost-effective solution for your property without compromising on flexibility.
A community platform for your security guards, residents, and management that provides a full suite Visitor Management System, In-App Payment, and more.
With a set of proprietary APIs designed to enhance access control for better visitor and resident control in your community.
Built to extract and optimize your security team’s efficiency, a cloud-based guard tracking and patrolling platform.
GST-compliant and cloud-based; a dedicated property management accounting and billing solution for your building with access control for committee viewing only.
A smarter task and workflow management software integrated with all JaGaSolution products that makes your daily operational work in your property, easier. (coming soon!)
Drop your message here, email, or even call us. Anyway you like it.
Working Hours: Weekdays, 9am – 6pm
Email: partnerships@jagaapp.com
Phone: +603 7931 9911
JaGaSolution’s product line is designed to be seamlessly integrated with each other, giving you the most cost-effective solution for your property without compromising on flexibility.
A community platform for your security guards, residents, and management that provides a full suite Visitor Management System, In-App Payment, and more.
With a set of proprietary APIs designed to enhance access control for better visitor and resident control in your community.
Built to extract and optimize your security team’s efficiency, a cloud-based guard tracking and patrolling platform.
GST-compliant and cloud-based; a dedicated property management accounting and billing solution for your building with access control for committee viewing only.
A smarter task and workflow management software integrated with all JaGaSolution products that makes your daily operational work in your property, easier. (coming soon!)
JaGaSolution’s product line is designed to be seamlessly integrated with each other, giving you the most cost-effective solution for your property without compromising on flexibility.
A community platform for your security guards, residents, and management that provides a full suite Visitor Management System, In-App Payment, and more.
With a set of proprietary APIs designed to enhance access control for better visitor and resident control in your community.
Built to extract and optimize your security team’s efficiency, a cloud-based guard tracking and patrolling platform.
GST-compliant and cloud-based; a dedicated property management accounting and billing solution for your building with access control for committee viewing only.
A smarter task and workflow management software integrated with all JaGaSolution products that makes your daily operational work in your property, easier. (coming soon!)
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