Exciting New Enhancements Now Available on JaGaApp!

Yes, we’ve heard YOU! We are thrilled to announce the launch of some fantastic new enhancements on JaGaApp that are inspired by the awesome feedback from our users. We have gone through all your ideas and suggestions and we considered thoughtfully as we constructed our new app enhancements. Your feedback plays a big role in shaping the way we create our newest app update, version 1.4.4.

Discover What's New in Our App Update!

Say goodbye to hassle! Now you can effortlessly reserve multiple slots for the same facility with just one booking. This means you can extend your enjoyment of your preferred facility, making it the perfect opportunity to gather your family over a sizzling BBQ party or even a badminton face-off with your friends!
We have also refreshed the booking list and details page and now it allows you to access other bookings made by other users within the same property unit. Now it makes it even easier for family members/tenants to view each other’s booking or make reservations for one another. So what are you waiting for? Don’t hesitate – go ahead and make a facility booking today!

Other small enhancement & fixes

  1. Revamped interface for facility filter and in-app chat with your Management Office.
  2. Added a shortcut for you to create new JaGather posts by using the floating icon.
  3. Made some improvement on our message to put in your JaGaApp Display Name without any spaces. For example, MichaelRoy or MichaelRoy123.
  4. Fixed “Back To Profile” button issue whenever adding a new family member or intercom number on the profile page (a big high five to some of our eagle-eyed users who spotted the pesky bug!).

Ending Note

Well, if you’re saying “I love all the enhancements, is there more to come?” Absolutely! We have actually gathered a bunch of other feedback as well. We’re going to carefully review everything and continuously improve our app even better for all our users. Your feedback means a lot to us, so please feel free to get in touch and share more of your ideas and suggestions. And if you ever have questions, suggestions, or any concerns, we’re here and eager to hear them all!

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