"Who is this Visitor?"

It doesn’t happen often, but we’ve seen cases where visitors are wrongly registered into other units.

While human error is a cause, we’ve seen a fair share of incidents where the visitor (specifically, deliveries) provides incorrect information to the guards for registration. 😮

Recently, a JaGaApp resident shared her encounter with a delivery rider that attempted to enter her house. Her encounter however, had a small twist.

The excerpt below is a translation of her post originally published on XiaoHongShu (aka Little Red Book, a Chinese-based social media platform). 

Note: This post is consented by the original author. Content is translated from Mandarin and paraphrased lightly for legibility.


Wrong Visitors should be ______?

The Story

This happened a few days back, when I’ve ordered a delivery late at night. The delivery rider was authorised and I also took the goods into my house.

About 10 minutes later, I heard what sounded like someone knocking on the door softly.

My ears perked up, and I listened carefully to see if there was anyone outside. After all, it was midnight and I did not want to open the door recklessly.

Next, I heard the sound of the doorbell button being pressed repeatedly. It was followed by attempts to open the door, and I watched as the door handle moved slowly. At least 5 to 6 attempts were made to slowly open the door.

If the door was not locked, I’d imagine the person would’ve already been able to enter at this point.

The person left a few minutes later, and I took the opportunity to peek outside my window. To my surprise, it looked like the same delivery rider that delivered me my goods.

I phoned the guardhouse later on to ask if any riders came in within the last 15 minutes. The guards said yes, but the delivery rider registered was for another house.

I contacted the management on the next day, and that was when I found out that it was the exact same person.

It turns out, the rider checked out at 12:48 am from my unit, and checked in into another unit at 12:57 am. Instead of that unit though, he came to mine instead.

What was done right?

That was quite nail-biting! 😲 While we shouldn’t jump into conclusions with such limited information, we think the rider has gone too far by trying to open the door.

We also thought that the resident done a few things right:

  1. Her doors were locked (Thank God!)
  2. Called the guards to verify who was the visitor
  3. Checked with her Management on the specific visitor records

P/S: If you’re ever caught in a similar situation, do remember to use JaGaApp Emergency Assist, as that is the quickest way to alert your security guards of an emergency requiring physical attention.


Protect your neighbourhood with "Report Wrong Visitor"

The incident happened quite late at night, so the resident of the other unit was probably asleep and did not report the visitor.

In a normal circumstance though, here’s how you can keep your guards informed when a visitor’s unauthorized, in 3 steps!

Step 1
Upon check-in of the visitor by your security guards, you will receive a visitor arrival notification.

Step 2
After tapping the notification, you will see another screen detailing the visit details. If you suspect this isn’t the right visitor, tap on Report Wrong Visitor.

Step 3
Add in comments to this report if you have any additional remarks to make, and tap Submit Report.

Your management office will receive an email notification of the report, and they can also reply to your report via the Admin Panel. Here’s how it looks like:

Concurrently, your security guards will also receive a pop-up on their Guard Device indicating that you’ve just made a report. 

Not all SOP’s are created equal, and your management may choose to handle wrong visitors in their own way.

And remember, if wrong visitors are registered to your unit, do not pin the fault to your guards immediately. Chances are, they may be given wrong information by the visitor too. That’s why pre-registration is important!

Ending Note

It was alarming when we first read it, but more importantly, it showed how JaGaApp played a role in safekeeping visitor records. 💪

If you have been using this feature, or if you had similar incidents with visitors that you’re willing to share, let us know how JaGaApp has helped you through it!

And before you go, write in to us below and tell us how we can improve as a product to make our community better!

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