icon Congratulations Tan Sri Michelle Yeoh
for winning the Best Actress award in the recent Oscars!


Communication is...

… an essential element to get things done! 

One of our core focuses for the year 2023 is effective communication. There are tons we could improve on as we reflected on 2022, and we set out this year with the desire to better the way we communicate with our:

  • Colleagues
  • Customers
  • Clients
  • Prospects

In a recent town hall, the hosts designed a thoughtful game that tested how effective our communication was. A game that felt like charades on steroids, we were broken into groups, and a member was chosen to be the blindfolded artist.

A picture was then given to the group, and in 5 minutes, the members were to guide and instruct the blindfolded artist to draw the picture without telling the artist what it was.

Charades is usually simple, but this took it to another level. The fact that the ones chosen to be artists were bad at drawing did not help too. 🤣

We had a lot to learn after this whole exercise, and we felt like these can be aptly applied in the neighbourhood setting too!

(P/S: Read till the end to vote for our drawings!)


Lessons from Blindfolded Charades

For most groups, the blindfolded artist struggled with the drawing. The only ones that were loudly talking were the group members, and that obviously did not bode well with the outcome. 

The better performing groups however, kept giving each other simple, concise instructions. Most blindfolded asked for specific feedbacks. “Is this okay?” “Am I doing it right?” “Do I keep drawing the line here?”

And true to that, the more the team communicated, the better they performed!

Let’s take it back to the context of your neighbourhood now.

Chances are, you may have spoke to office staff, or security guards that struggle to understand your message. And chances are, you got frustrated in the process too!

Be it your security guards, building manager, or even your neighbour. Failing at communication doesn’t mean you should give up on trying to communicate with them.

Here’s some power tips from us that we found beneficial while we were playing our game:

  1. Non-verbal cues are just as important as the verbal cues.
  2. The most important message is often not what’s heard, but what is not being said. Always ask questions with that in mind!
  3. Context make up 90% of your message. Be patient in providing as much context as you can in your conversations.
  4. Wherever possible, simple and concise words help!

These naturally do not apply to only your neighbourhood. Get practicing with everyone you talk to in and out of your home!


Communicate better (with JaGaApp's Feedback)!

We can’t talk about communication without talking about our Feedback feature!

Typically, issues and complaints are lodged in multiple channels, like Whatsapp, Telegram, email, or even physical forms. This makes tracking and reporting really hard for the management.

That’s where we come in! Feedback is a feature that does the following:

  • Keeps issues grouped in categories that are relevant to the management
  • Ensure issues are logged in a threaded, 1-to-1 chat between only you and the management
  • Eases reporting every month.

With too many channels, there are tendencies for the management to overlook feedback cases without proper documentation and filing, which may lead to the lack of follow-ups! Remember what we said about communication?

Here’s what some of our customers have been using the Feedback feature for:

  • Faulty facilities
  • General noise from your neighbouring houses
  • Complimenting your management teams
  • Neighbourhood improvement ideas
  • And more!

If it sounds good for you, let’s keep the issues out of your chat groups (unless you need discussions), and start placing it on JaGaApp. 🤓

Ending Note

We hope you enjoyed reading about our little game of communication! And we’re looking forward to see the Feedback feature used more too. 😉

Now for the most dreaded exciting part, could you vote for the best drawing too…? 🥺👉👈 (A winning prize is at stake for us, hehe).

And before you go, write in to us below and tell us how YOU and your neighbourhood uses Feedback!

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