"What kind of home do you dream of living in?"

Context: Days ago, a few of us were on a road trip up north for work.

The home ownership topic came about, and just like the most of you (well, we’d think you’re on JaGaApp because you own or rent a home), we were deeply interested on it!

The first half of the car ride was just us complaining about not getting Coldplay tickets, but we actually spent the other half the ride talking all about homes!

It did not take us long to observe some variety in opinions that seems to point towards a difference in age groups. It also just occurred to us that there is a 20-year gap between the oldest and the youngest JaGaCrew!

And that’s why we thought would be a fun topic to be brought up for sharing in JaGaCorner. Taken from informal conversations with our colleagues, here’s what some of the JaGaCrew felt about home ownership. 

(P/S: Content has been lightly paraphrased for clarity.)


Observing the (Generation) Gaps"

Without disclosing your actual age, how old were you when you had your first phone?
Belle (Early 30s)
I think I was in high school. About 14 I guess? I shared the phone with my brother.
Jagan (early 30s)
I was 15, and I think it was a Nokia 3310?
Hidayah (mid 20s)
I’ve got the 3310 too! But I was 11 when I had it, hehe.
Jason (early 20s)
Same phone, except that I was 8 years old when I got it…
Jimmy (early 40s)
I feel really old after hearing from everyone. I got my first handphone while I was studying in university. I think I was 19 or 20 then? And yes, it was the Nokia 3310 too.
SUMMARY: Everyone seems to have used a Nokia 3310 no matter their age.
(P/S: In order of youngest to oldest: Jason, Hidayah, Jagan, Belle, Jimmy.)
What would be your ideal property to live in?
If we’re talking about a dream case, I’d totally want a 2-storey penthouse, haha. Like a rich Korean oppa. 😎

Realistically though, I’d value convenience above all, so things like accessibility to public transport means a lot to me. Wouldn’t want to have a place that takes more than an hour to get to work!
An apartment unit, purely because it’s smaller and easier to clean up.
Single-storey landed! I currently stay in a condominium, and it can get quite inconvenient to buy groceries especially when I’m living alone. A single-storey landed property is kinda like a condo unit, but with a parking spot next to it AND a backyard. I basically want all the convenience factors to a landed property, and the size of a condo unit to make cleaning easier.
I actually agree with Belle! A single-storey landed property is quite ideal for me. Land space is important, and yet I do not like houses too big. I do not identify as a condo person either because I don’t like the idea of paying maintenance fees.
I want a Semi-D or Bungalow, haha. I guess it’s different when I have a kid to look after because I want a lot of space for him. I’ve also been looking for properties that are more suited for my retirement in the future.
SUMMARY: Regardless of reasons, younger adults indicated a preference for condominiums/apartments, while those above 30 years old were leaning towards landed properties for perceived space.
Smaller property but nearer to work, or bigger property but farther from work?
100% smaller property but nearer to work. I despise traffic jams, and I think there’s a limit to how much time I want to spend on the road to get to work.
Size over distance. The location to work doesn’t really matter. I’d value good facilities, good neighbourhood, and the resale value.
I’d rather live in the office. Hehe.
Jokes aside, the nearer the better. I actually bought a motorbike so that I could bike to work to avoid the traffic jam.
I would choose the bigger but farther property. It’s not so much about the distance for me, but more on the “feel-good” feeling I get whenever I come home after a long day at work. I don’t mind the space in a condo unit, but the distance from the carpark to my house feels like another journey…

Work aside, I actually want to be staying nearer to my parents too, I could be there for them in case anything happens. 😊
I want a Semi-D or Bungalow, haha. I guess it’s different when I have a kid to look after because I want a lot of space for him. I’ve also been looking for properties that are more suited for my retirement in the future.
SUMMARY: Quite mixed responses were observed, but our findings hint that the age group you're in might be a catalyst to other factors influencing your decision in choosing between these two properties.

External factors:
1. Distance to family's home
2. Variance in property prices
3. Relationship Status
4. Have experienced living in a condo
If money wasn't an issue, would you rent a house for the rest of your life
Hmm, in a situation like that, I’m okay with renting for life. I’m quite spontaneous, and my life could change every year. That’s probably why staying at one spot for the longer term doesn’t make sense to me.
I don’t mind renting for life. Maintaining a property is “susah”!
I’m not a fan of the idea of renting forever. I value stability in where I live and where I work, so if I have a choice, I would rather channel that money to buy a property on my own instead. Why let others make money off me when I could own the property myself?
10/10 for renting. If money wasn’t a concern, I get to invest in other assets anyway. 😎
Definitely rent, purely because I would have the freedom to choose based on my needs at that current point of time.

Money influences all of my decision making with property purchases now, and it makes me think twice about purchases because I would want it to be something that I could pass down to my kids.
SUMMARY: If money wasn't an issue, majority would not mind renting homes because it gives them the freedom to choose a lifestyle they want to have at a point of time. Seems like it's not a decision that's influenced by age!
Would you stay with your in-laws?
Invalid question for me because I do not intend to be in a relationship 😂 My mom generally has high expectations in terms of who I date, and it can get quite stressful to be in a family.
No! To be clear, my in-laws are fine people. Its not so much of an in-law thing, but I just prefer to have the whole house to my husband and I. I wouldn’t even want to stay with my parents actually haha. But if I do have kids next time or if my parents got to move in because they need to be cared after, I will probably learn to juggle my responsibilities then.
Definite no, I want my privacy. 🤣 I would much prefer it if they live nearby, like 5-10 minutes away. Nothing against my future in-laws, but I’d say the same things for my parents too.
I’m okay if they were to come to visit for a month or two, but I would need to consider a lot of things if I have to live with them for good. It’s… quite a switch up in lifestyles.
Honestly… probably a no from me too. All due respect to my in-laws, I could take short term stay-overs if they are visiting, but I think we have very different lifestyles, and different mentalities when it comes to raising kids.

Side note: I do not mind having my mom stay with me though. 🥰
SUMMARY: Privacy is important, and regardless of age, everyone seems to want to have the space to themselves. Better start taking notes if you're a parent!


Get your limited JaGaSolution Merch today!

There may be differences in our opinions for home ownership, but all of us had the same opinion when it comes to our latest lineup of JaGaMerch: They are really cool.

It might be a little too late to get this delivered to you by Father’s Day, but who said that gifting must only be done on special occasions?

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Disclaimer: Free delivery with DHL will only be valid for orders placed by June 30th OR until stock lasts. Subsequent orders made after our stock runs out will be treated as pre-orders, and the cut-off date will be provided at a later time.

Ending Note

We personally found more similarities than differences in how everyone thinks about their home ownership. Interesting, to say the least!

That said, we’re not going to draw conclusions here. We think home ownership is a very personal topic, and you deserve to have your own views and perspectives on it.

If you have a minute or two to spare, tell us your views on the topics we talked about here!

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